Monday, October 27, 2014

DIY Potion Bottles

Potion bottles are a fun element to add to your Halloween decor. The cost for this group of bottles was around $4 plus spray paint, which I already had. I went to a small thrift store in our senior citizen center and found these bottles for wicked cheap. I spent .25 cents to $1 per piece.

The first thing I did was take the price tags off and then wipe them down with a wet rag. (Please ignore the first grade project happening on the other side of the table!)

Here are some of the spray paints that I used. I have all different brands. I prefer valspar and rustoleum because they are thicker and rarely drip. 

I applied two to three coats onto each item. It depended upon the style of glass and the brand of paint. 

 This textured glass was a pain in the rear. I sprayed this one about 4 times. I couldn't get into all of the nooks and crannies, so after the white dried, I hit it with a light (speckled) coat of grey. It added a lot of character and hid the blemishes.

I made these labels by using I still need to upload a program for downloadable printables, but for now you can just right click on the photo and save the image to your computer. When I printed them out they came out grey. I have a feeling that it is a problem with my printer, so hopefully yours will come out the true color! 

I loved making these potions. They were fun! If you make your own, I would love to see your creations. Leave me a comment with your photo!

Here are some pictures of my sister's witch/wizard decor.

Happy Brewing!!


  1. loved the potions, some great shapes...I love when you write...don't skip that part, you have a gift for writing and for laughter......keep up the good work...

  2. Thanks Mom... and Dad! ;) I was actually just talking to Chris about feeling the pressure of having to post so many things that my writing is lacking. I'm working on it!
