Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ames Maid Step Stool -- Redo (of course!)

It's about time that I get this blog started. I created it months ago and have been scared to do anything with it since then. I thought I'd start off with my latest project. I am absolutely in LOVE with it (and so are my boys!) I re-painted and re-upholstered this bad boy.

-The Story-
Growing up we had an Ames Maid Step Stool that I LOVED. It was my great grandmother's and it was bright red. We used it all of the time. I have been searching for one for a few years now. My sister found one for wicked cheap at the D.I. in Cali. I was sooo jealous! (Wish the East Coast had D.I. -- the west coast version of goodwill -- but much better!) So I found a red one at a yard sale and was so excited. The man was a jerk and took advantage of a mother battling with two young children and short-changed me. I spent more than I was expecting... but still got a good deal. I was so excited that I had finally found one so texted my mom. Her reply was, "I hope you didn't buy it because Nana has one out behind the shed that you can have." Well thank you mother for ruining my moment AND rubbing it in that the guy ripped me off!
 I still nabbed the stool from my grandmother (the one pictured above) and I'm really glad that I did because my boys fought over that stool like it was candy! So I made this stool over the day after I brought it home so that the screaming fits would cease.
So finally.... here it is!

Isn't it cute!? It was my first time re-upholstering! I used foam, fabric, and clear vinyl. 
 I don't have pictures of every step... I'm working on taking pictures of every step. It'll come eventually (hopefully). My picture taking skills aren't the best, so bare with me please.
 **Also just a side note- If you are redoing one of these suckers make sure that you take pictures of the entire stool before you start taking it apart. Especially take pictures of the underside of each step. I put it back together all wrong. The only thing that saved me was having the other red stool to look at!**

I have a few more pictures but I can't seem to get them to load right. So eventually I will figure it out eventually and get them on here. 

So there... I have officially started my blog! Now I just need to keep up with it!
Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm not sure if you'll get this comment as I noticed your last post was in 2011. I was looking for info on the Ames Maid step stool I just bought and ran across your blog. I'm in the process of redoing mine. Why did you stop making posts? I really enjoyed the ones I read.

  2. I too love the stool above and my husband and I are right in the middle of redoing one ourselves. My grandmother's stool was also red and I was happy as a clam when I inherited it (my brother and sister looked at me as if I were strange). But I love the stool and it helps with all kinds of practical things. I'm glad to see others who like these old things like I do. Keep blogging Hills! You're good! Charlotte Reece, Westville, FL

  3. I need the back of this stool! I know this post is from a while ago but I'd love buy it ROM you for my redo l!

  4. Hi Angie,
    Sorry, I plan to use the back. I'll keep an eye out for you though. Good luck on your redo!

  5. Do you have a pic of the underside of the seat? I'm reassembling mine and can't remember how the legs fit in. And if course, I took no pictures (confidently thought I would remember).
